Unmanned Warrior

Unmanned Warrior is a record-breaking display of unmanned and autonomous vehicles. Hosted by the Royal Navy and its partners in industry and academia, the exercise demonstrates the power of technology to make the world a safer place.



Unmanned and autonomous systems


Organisations working in cooperation


Months of preparation


VIPs from military and industrial sectors

Why are we doing it?

18 months in the making, Exercise Unmanned Warrior is a truly colossal endeavour. Its main aim? To demonstrate the maturity and utility of unmanned autonomous systems to both the wider Royal Navy and the public at large, as well as dispelling some of the negative connotations surrounding the use of ‘drones’.

The primary purpose of unmanned vehicles is to remove human operators from the most tedious, unpleasant and dangerous activities, such as mine-laying and recovery and anti-submarine operations. Ultimately, they will make life safer and easier for Royal Navy personnel, freeing them up to perform more suitable tasks.

As well as showcasing the latest vehicles, software and sensors, Unmanned Warrior also helps to secure valuable investment for the development of new and existing unmanned technologies.

What we are seeking to achieve is an event that re-shapes the market to provide new opportunities for everybody, and capability transformation for the Navy.

Commander Peter Pipkin
Surface Combatant Combat Systems Desk Officer and Fleet Robotics Officer